Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mansuhkan PPSMI!!!

Hari ni aku secara rasminya akan mengisytiharkan perang terhadap PPSMI...minggu ini sampai 7 Mac 2009 aku akan "post" artikel-artikel dan kajian-kajian yang menunjukkan betapa bangangnya polisi PPSMI ini... usaha ini diatas inisiatif aku sendiri bagi menyokong Gerakan Mansuhkan PPSMI(GMP)... disamping itu ini adalah usaha utk mencelikkan mata masyarakat sambil menanti kemuncak gerakan mansuhkan PPSMI iaitu himpunan 100 ribu rakyat di Istana Negara bagi menyerahkan memorandum membantah PPSMI ini pada 7 Mac 2009!!!tapi jangan ingat habis disitu sahaja...dari masa ke semasa aku akan post lagi artikel2 anti-ppsmi ini sampailah PPSMI ini dimansuhkan!!!

Sebagai langkah pertama kita layan dulu sajak Allahyarham Usman Awang yang bertajuk "Keranda 152"...

Anak Melayu
Panas dadamu membakar baju
Kita arak keranda 152
Ke tanah perkuburannya Parlimen

Sepuluh tanah nafas ini terhenti
Hari ini jangan lagi menyanyi

Sebentar lagi malam akan tiba
Tiap pintu dan jendela sudah dijaga
Bayang-bayang tidak bisa lewat jalan raya

Anak Melayu
Namamu telah diseru
Sebelum lidahmu jadi bisu

Usman Awang (1967)

*Keranda 152 merujuk kepada perarakan bantahan para pejuang Bahasa Melayu terutama penulis dari Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka yang mencapai kemuncaknya pada 3 Mac 1967 di Balai Budaya, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Antara tokoh terpenting ialah Usman Awang yang ketika itu menjadi editor majalah DBP ; Dewan Masyarakat, Dewan Sastera dan Dewan Budaya . Ia merupakan simbolik kepada kematian Bahasa Melayu apabila kerajaan Malaysia tidak menepati janji untuk menjadi bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa pengantar dan bahasa di bidang kehakiman.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

KOMPLOT: The Future of Malaysian Music

Indie-bands is often described as bands which are free (independent) from major commercial record labels...Our local music scene are currently experiencing an "indie" explosion which started roughly around 2007. Currently there are so many indie-bands, however the sad thing is most of them are not "indie" by choice but following the current trend and have to be "indie" out of necessity to survive as our recording industry are in really bad shape.

One of the bands trying to make a mark in our music scene is Komplot. Komplot has been around from 2007...This is no ordinary band...Komplot has one of the most loyal and, if you may,"cult" following in the indie scene. For me Komplot is one band that truly embrace the spirit of indie-music and that is play original music, be precociusly creative and most importantly play music that transcends genre!!!...

In December 2008 KOMPLOT released an e.p titled DISKO TANPA RISIKO which announced the arrival of the future of Malaysian music. This e.p contains 4 songs all written in Malay. It's really difficult to describe their sound...What can I say is that they sound refreshingly original!!! Disko Tanpa Risiko is well-produced,greatly-mixed and have a kick-arsed sound quality!!! The best part is it's only RM15!!!

One may ask why am I making such a fuss over these lads? Well, I can truly say that I never heard a Malaysian band like this!! That's the god's honest truth!!! Their sound is a wonderful mix of rock & roll, psychedelic funk, 70s groove, disco punk, metal and some jazz elements. This quintet also have a saxophonist in their line-up...The sounds of the sax instill a haunting yet soothing sensation to the controlled frenzy of the eclectically-sounding guitars, funky bass-lines and raw drum-beats...

From the candid conversation I have with the bassist, I know that Komplot strive to play fresh sounds and original music. With the released of Disko Tanpa Risiko the lads already achieved that!!

Komplot's official site

Komplot's myspace

The Angry Voice of the Malaysian Working Class Youth

Rock n Roll exists for the sole purpose of STICKIN' IT TO THE MAN!!!... Dum Dum Tak or D.D.T did just that in their maiden release titled Hentikan Penindasan... This 2009 release contains 13 songs (a bit rare at this day and age) which is written and performed for the sole purpose guessed it...STICKIN' IT TO THE MAN!!!

To describe D.D.T's just have to look at the band's name...their music can be described as dum...dum..tak...(I hope this makes sense as I'm no connoisseur of hardcore-punk... hahaha).

True to the original form of Punk-Rock which is to express the working class youths' angst against the establishment, D.D.T showed the "finger" to the establishment, the government, them ministers, The U.S government, punk rock's posers, the rich...hell...even hypocritical "human rights activists" are given a bollocking!!! Hentikan Penindasan also call and urge the youth,the working class and the masses to stand up for the oppressed and punish them oppressors and other tyrants at large.

The lads didn't mince their words...they wear their heart on their sleaves!!!D.D.T's songs are straight-forward and will slap you in the face transmitting and spreading D.D.Ts paradigm and aspirations... Furthermore it doesn't hurt D.D.T to be listed on Hishamuddin Rais a.k.a Tukar Tiub list of Le Cool for 2008...

What I love about Hentikan Penindasan is that it's not your typical half-hearted D.I.Y release...It's a well thought and well executed. It's a full-blown in-yer-face energetic effort dripping with pure punk attitude!! Hell...even the cover's artwork and design is quite something!

I'm no punk-rocker or follower of any punk-isms...however I love great music and sounds...and for RM10(by hand) you can experience that with Hentikan Penindasan, provided that you can handle it!!

go here to get more info on D.D.T and where to get Hentikan Penindasan.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Other Side

In light of the distribution of the Elizabeth Wong pictures, some MP's took time in today's sitting discuss/debate/argue/politicking (what do they really do in the house??emm....) this matter.What interested me was the comment from YB Chong Eng (DAP-Bukit Mertajam):

"If these pictures are regarded as a legitimate means by which an elected representative may be removed, then I fear the other side is in even greater danger." on YB!! SPOT ON!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Kenapa perlu letak jawatan??

Setelah kecoh semalam yang foto dan klip video bogel Elizabeth Wong (Adun Bukit lanjan dan Exco Selangor) telah tersebar, beberapa pihak telah mula melatah meminta beliau meletakkan jawatan.. Kenapa beliau perlu letak jawatan..beliau adalah mangsa...gambar2 tu diambil tanpa kebenaran dan pengetahuan beliau...tetapi atas rasa tanggungjawab Elizabeth Wong sendiri secara sukarela menawarkan untuk meletak jawatan.

Mari kita lihat reaksi ahli-ahli politik kita:

Ketua pembangkang Selangor, Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo mendesak ahli exco kerajaan negeri Selangor, Elizabeth Wong supaya meletak jawatan exco dan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Bukit Lanjan, ekoran penyebaran foto-foto bogelnya kepada umum.

"Ini adalah masalah moral. Dulu Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek pun letak jawatan," katanya kepada Malaysiakini.

Katanya, apabila perkara yang sama berlaku kepada Dr Chua, pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat mendesaknya supaya meletak jawatan.

"Sekarang mengapa tidak (Elizabeth letak jawatan). Jangan dwi-standard. (Bila) berlaku pada orang tak boleh... (tapi) pada kita tak apa," katanya lagi.

aduhai datuk seri...chua soi lek tu lain dia dah ade bini pastu pegi romen ngan orang lain...orang puteh panggil "extra-maritial affair"...kes elizabeth wong ni lain...dia tgh tido ade org amek gambar... lagipon dia bujang...bukan Islam...tu hak peribadi dia...dia tak langgar mana-mana undang-undang.

Ibarat camnila datuk...datuk tengah berak satgi ada orang amik gambar datuk pastu sebarkan... kena letak jawatan ke camtu??gambar bogel tu...haha

Dr Mohd Khir mendesak supaya Elizabeth meletak jawatan "secepat yang boleh".

Dengan berbuat demikian, katanya, ia akan dapat membersihkan nama PKR.
"Jika tidak, ia adalah parti yang tak ada moral," katanya.

ala datuk, kalau rasuah tu bermoral ke?...bagi projek2 kat kaum-kerabat tu moral yang baik?rompak tanah sana-sini tu bermoral?...rembat duit orang miskin tu moral celah mana? sume kerja parti datuk yang sangat "bermoral"...

Naib Presiden Umno, Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam menyifatkan tindakan Elizabeth Wong menawarkan untuk meletak jawatan exco kerajaan Selangor dan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Bukit Lanjan, ekoran penyebaran foto bogelnya, bukan sesuatu yang mengejutkan.

Ni satu lagi "bijak"...Ibarat camnila datuk...datuk tengah mandi satgi ada orang amik gambar datuk pastu sebarkan... kena letak jawatan ke camtu??gambar bogel tu...

"Tindakan itu wajar kerana apa yang berlaku melibatkan maruah seseorang pemimpin."

Maruah...emmm...kalau rasuah tu bermaruah ke?...bagi projek2 kat kaum-kerabat tu bermaruah?rompak tanah sana-sini tu bermaruah jens ape?...rembat duit orang miskin tu bermaruah celah mana? sume kerja parti datuk yang sangat "bermaruah"...

"Tindakan bergambar bogel adalah sesuatu yang tidak boleh diterima oleh rakyat negara ini."

aduh..letih ar aku nak terangkan kat kau...camni la datuk..datuk tgh amik pahala sunat malam jumaat dengan bini datuk satgi ade orang amek gambar tanpa kebenaran dan pengetahuan datuk...pastu sebarkan dan cakap ia sebagai "aksi seks Ali Rustam"...wajar ke camtu...

bila datuk menggunakan perkataan "bergambar bogel"...ini telah memberi konotasi yang elizabeth wong buat begitu secara sukarela...walhal gambar tersebut diambil tanpa kebenaran dan pengetahuan beliau...paham??

Apa kata Wanita MCA:

Walaupun kedua-duanya dilabel musuh politik, Wanita MCA turut berdiri di belakang wakil rakyat PKR Elizabeth Wong sewaktu exco Selangor itu dilanda kontroversi berhubung penyebaran foto bogel.

Selain menyatakan simpatinya, ketua Wanita MCA Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun berkata mereka berang dengan tindakan memalukan pihak-pihak itu yang dianggapnya menjadikan wanita sebagai objek seks.

"Ia suatu pencerobohan ruang peribadi wanita dan juga eksploitasi terhadap mereka untuk tujuan politik," katanya dalam satu kenyataan.

Chew menambah, penyebaran foto-foto bogel bercanggahan dengan undang-undang pencegahan pornografi seperti termaktub dalam Kanun Keseksaan.

Camnilah berpolitik yang matang...syabas wanita MCA...

Jika moral dan maruah begitu dititikberatkan...kenapa tiada sebarang desakan dari UMNO supaya Timbalan Presiden UMNO sendiri yang juga merupakan Timbalan Perdana Menteri untuk membersihkan nama dan mempertahahankan "moral" serta "maruah" beliau yang dipersoalkan apabila beliau dikaitkan dan dituduh terlibat dengan pembunuhan seorang wanita Mongolia?

*kenyataan Khir Toyo,Ali Rustam dan Chew Mei Fun dipetik dari Malaysiakini.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Perak Constituitonal Crisis: You reap what you sow!

Just when we thought that the politicking will stop and Malaysian politics will be calm before the storm in March(UMNO Party Election), The DPM,Najib Tun Razak orchestrated a successful coup for the Perak State Governmnet. Anwar Ibrahim must be kicking himself...After all he is the one who initiate political crossovers and defections...In his defence Anwar said that crossovers were the only way to leave a corrupt party as if the elected representative resign his/her seat that person cannot be on the ballot for 5 years.

the thing is i think that everyone has been deviated away from the main issue of the political situation in perak by the pro-umno media.the main issue is the constitution and the process of transition of power.

we all know that umno often treat the constitution like a toilet paper. furthermore the 3rd rukun negara is keluhuran perlembagaan. The issues are not "party-hopping" or derhaka

The main issues:
  1. SPR cannot overule a speaker's decision to announce a "seat" is empty based on a validity of a resignation letter.
  2. SPR does not have jurisdiction on deciding the validity of a resignation letter.
  3. Only the court of law have that kind of jurisdiction.
  4. It is the Sultan prerogative to allow BN to form a new state government.
  5. It's also tuanku's right to say no to a snap election.
  6. However,can the Sultan asks an MB to resign?
  7. Why can't Tuanku wait for the state asemmbly to sit a move a vote of no-confidence before swearing-in a new MB & Exco?

Now the floodgates have opened and all the pro/ultra or stupid-malays group are organizing street demonstrations (although umno and the so-called pro/ultra or stupid-malays groups always view that street-demos are not our culture, they are doing it!!) against Perak Ex-MB Nizar Jamaluddin and showing support to HRH the Sultan of Perak... (emm, not to long ago UMNO members were demonstrating against the Raja of Perlis and the Agong for their choices of MB for Perlis and Terengganu respectively. they even called our beloved Agong "Natang" which is a very offensive word on the Terengganu lingo)

To the peolple who are against this unconstitutional coup, rather than organizing street demos I suggest another act of civil disobedience which is the Hartal...I think the Hartal conveyed a strong massage of protest and objection. The thing is the pro-umno media will spin the street-demos to show that the supporters of PR and YB Nizar as violent,uncivilized and above the law.

After all of this I think YB Nizar has come out smelling like a bed of roses. From the way he conduct himself in the media and still smiling under this circumstances. He has become the new "media darling".

BN has a lot to answer. Furthermore there will be two "referendum" after the death of Bukit Gantang MP and the resignation of Kedah V.Arumugam the Bukit Selembau ADUN. This two snap-elections will be held smack in the busiest time of the UMNO calendar which is their Party Polls in March...There have also been talks that Nizar's name came up as a candidate for the Bukit Gantang Parlimentary seat. To the people of Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selembau show your support and anger on the ballot!!!..."They" think they can take democracy from us...well God gave the chance for us to show "Kuasa Rakyat"!!!